hear from thermomix users
Discover the transformative power of owning a Thermomix®. Whether catering to dietary needs, avoiding processed foods, or getting an extra hand during dinner rush, find out why chefs and home cooks alike love using Thermomix®
Chef's Choice: Thermomix Triumphs
Explore the Culinary World's Love for Thermomix

Chef Theo Setyo
Chef and Owner Nusadrasa-Dapur Nusantara
Thermomix sangat membantu saya dalam membuat menu-menu R&D yang akan digunakan oleh banyak restoran yang di belakangnya ada kami sebagai konsultannya. Thermomix juga dapat menyimpan resep-resep yang sudah saya buat sehingga membuat semua pekerjaan saya lebih cepat dan efisien. Bagi saya, Thermomix super efisien dan penuh fitur yang mendukung kreatifitas.

Chef Tom Aikens
Michelin Star Chef-Muse London
Thermomix is a great help in solving many complexities in the kitchen, making chef’s jobs easier and more consistent. I also love making yoghurt with Thermomix, as it maintains a consistent temperature for perfect results. To me, Thermomix is unique.

Chef Tomy Saputra
Head Chef The Long Table at John Hardy Boutique and Gallery Seminyak
Saya pertama kali menggunakan Thermomix pada tahun 2015 dan saya sangat terkesan dengan apa yang dapat dilakukannya. Di Dapur Indonesia di mana kami menggunakan banyak bumbu, sambal dan pasta, Thermomix membuat pekerjaan kami terasa lebih mudah dan belum lagi konsistensi hasilnya yang luar biasa.

Chef Wisnu Adiyatma
Executive Chef Renaissance Bali Uluwatu
Resort & Spa
Thermomix sangat membantu saya dalam banyak hal. Hampir semua produksi di dapur kami menggunakan Thermomix, mulai dari appetizer, main course, soup hingga dessert. Speednya yang sangat cepat dan waktu yang bisa diatur menjadi salah satu fitur favorit saya di Thermomix, karena dengan itu saya tidak perlu menghabiskan waktu untuk terus mengecek pekerjaan saya. Bagi saya, Thermomix luar biasa.

Chef Degan Septoadji
Chef-Entrepreneur and Masterchef Judge
My first experience usingThermomix was in 2007 while doing Indonesianculinary promotion in Germany. We had to produce a large amount ofdifferent variety of fresh spice pastes and this super appliance did thejob perfectly & efficiently. A truly essential tool for any chef,or any home cook for that matter, to produce fine quality results insmall or big quantity. From that moment on,Thermomix has been a bigsupport in my work, in Indonesia and internationally, until now.

Chef Arnold Poernomo
Celebrity chef and Masterchef Indonesia Judge
I useThermomix at home and we have two at work. We use them for making the smoothest white polenta ever!

Chef Patrese Vito
Executive Chef at Botanica Dining
Thermomix really help me doing all hard work, from hollandaise to soups and puree. It’s even better with the scale feature so i can just put everything into the bowl and get it scaled directly.

Chef Kim Jonsson
Executive Chef at KONG Bali
For me Thermomix is an essential tool for any professional chef. Versatile and reliable it helps us elevate technique and flavour with precision in the busy kitchen at KONG

Chef Chris Salans
Culinary Creator of Mozaic Restaurant Ubud
Thermomix is a great tool. We use it every day at Mozaic in order to createconsistently great quality preparation. We wouldn’t get the same quality without our Thermomix.

Chef Tay Chan Yong
Head Chef @ The Cave by Chef Ryan Clift, Bali
I first started usingThermomix 10 years ago and immediately fell for it. The functions and efficiency of the machine is incomparable. Though we as chef should know how to cook all basics,Thermomix just gives you the convenience to get the job done correctly and effectively. The machine is constantly improving and evolving just like how our FnB industry is constantly innovating.

Michael Wignall
2 Michelin-Star Chef, Five AA Rosette Chef
I use Thermomix at home and we have two at work. We use them for making the smoothest white polenta ever!

Jason Atherton
Michelin-Star Chef, TV Presenter & Restaurateur
In my kitchen at work theThermomix is the most used thing. It’s like a high-powered blender that heats things as it liquidises them. It is unrivalled when it comes to making purées or flavoured oils or fresh

Sat Bains
3 Michelin-Star Chef, Celebrity Chef & Restaurateur
I love them, great for blending and cooking. I’ve used one for 13 years! Serious piece of arsenal.

Heston Blumenthal
3 Michelin-Star Chef, Celebrity Chef & Restaurateur
Thermomix is a great gadget, it will save you loads of time and effort.

Gilles Marx
Executive Chef at Amuz Jakarta
Thermomix makes your life very easy. A very efficient machine. My favorite is the scaling. What chef likes about The thermomix, is that it is very powerful, very reliable, the temperature is Spot On!

Dyah Ambarwati
HR professional
Thermomix comes as a great solution for my active days through its innovation in shortening cooking/food processing time and maintaining the quality. It excels the cooking experience and constantly produce good results through its various functions.

Risa andithia
Certified Baking Instructor & Chef Founder
I first encountered the Thermomix in 2021 in Bali, alongside Chef Degan, and was immediately impressed by its versatility. How could a single, compact machine do so much? It was clear it would change the way I cook and bake. My dream came true, and it wasn’t long before the Thermomix earned a permanent spot in my kitchen, becoming my trusted culinary companion.

bryan ferrysienanda
Top 5 Masterchef Season 8 Alumnus
Many might view the Thermomix as a significant investment at first glance, especially those unfamiliar with its capabilities. Indeed, it represents a considerable commitment, but the true value of this innovative device becomes apparent once you've had the chance to use it. The investment quickly proves to be immensely worthwhile. For home cooks, particularly mothers, it transforms into an indispensable tool, simplifying the cooking process remarkably. In a professional kitchen setting, its impact is profound, streamlining operations and enhancing culinary creativity.

Chef Bayu Retno Timor
Executive Chef Mandapa, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve, Bali
Thermomix memegang peran penting dalam menyajikan rasa yang fantastis. Dengan memanfaatkan fitur-fiturnya, Thermomix memastikan rasa tetap konsisten dan menjaga kualitas makanan kami tetap unggul.
Reviews from Indonesia Thermomix® Users
”Sebagai seorang Entrepreneur, saya tidak punya banyak waktu untuk memasak, sehingga selalu makan ke restaurant.
Sejak memiliki Thermomix, saya bisa membuat berbagai breakfast, snacks dan dinner yang mudah, sehat, lezat dan cepat, tanpa perlu mengaduk2. Hanya masukin bahan2, tutup, pencet, putar, tinggalin, dan selesai.
I really Love Thermomix”
Ellies Sutrisna
Jakarta, Indonesia
“Thermomix has added much value to our lives, because now we are eating cleaner, healthier, and tastier!
I love how we are in control of the food we make, with good quality ingredients; and no nasty additives or preservatives ”
Abigail Mok
Tangerang, Indonesia
”For the last 3 years, I have no more dilemma as what to cook for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There are way too many recipes waiting in line for myThermomix to cook for my family. I love how each recipe is shown on the touchscreen as a guided step-by-step process with the time, temperature and speed already pre-set! ”
Lenny Lenk
Pontianak, Indonesia
Aku pengguna thermomix sekaligus happy advisor. Aku seneng banget pake thermomix. Dengan thermomix, Kita bisa berkreasi sepuasnya nya dg hasil makanan yg wow tiap hari.
Kata siapa kalau bisa masak harus kursus masak? Siapa bilang kalo gak kursus baking gak akan bisa baking? Coba buktikan bahwa dengan thermomix kamu bisa bikin semua dari snack, makan pagi, makan siang, makan malam, es cream dan masih banyak dengan rasa yg enak banget tanpa harus ambil kelas masak.
Gak percaya? Buktikan sendiri
Jakarta, Indonesia
Thermomix TM6 memang luar biasa hebat ! satu hal yang bikin kecewa, knp masuk Indonesianya telat banget 😊
Satu alat dengan beragam fungsi menjadikan Thermomix mesin yang wajib dimiliki di dapur, menggantikan banyak alat masak tradisional sehingga masak menjadi sangat mudah, efektif dan hemat tempat. Dengan jadwal saya yang padat, masak dengan Thermomix tetap bisa menghasilkan hidangan berkualitas tinggi, sehat tanpa menghabiskan banyak waktu dan usaha dalam memasak. Thermomix telah menjadi investasi terbaik dalam hidup aku dan keluarga. Kualitasnya memang gak diragukan!
Rini Puspita
Jakarta, Indonesia
Oh my goodness, I just have to tell you about my Thermomix! I never thought I needed one in my life, but it's seriously been a game-changer. Not only can I bake a ton of delicious treats effortlessly, like quiche Lorraine, apple pie, and even Indonesian dishes, but the guided recipes have made me feel like a pro in the kitchen. Plus, hosting friends has never been easier with all the new recipes I can whip up. So, if you love cooking and want to take your skills to the next level without all the extra dishes to wash, I highly recommend investing in a Thermomix!
Fransisca Anggraini
Jakarta, Indonesia
Buat saya, Thermomix bisa menjadi alat komunikasi yg baik. Bisa mengajak teman, relasi buat masak & makan bareng. Entertaine kolega dg masakan yg enak, sehat sambil ngobrol hal2 inspiratif. Silaturahmi dapat, hobi yg menjadi pekerjaan.
Puji Purnama
Jakarta, Indonesia
Been using Thermomix for 2+ years help me to accomplish advanced, time consuming, and high manpower consuming kitchen work better.
I don't use many cookidoo recipe, but I do use it for my own recipe, and utilise the features a lot.
From making the nut powders, coulis, pastes and sauces, pasteurizing gelato mix, emulsification, blend, slow cook, sous vide for fruits and meat, and even egg pasteurization, chopping kilos of ingredients, grating and slicing all are done by Thermomix !
Thermomix is a kitchen utensil every kitchen should have for a practical, and energy saving operation.
Jovita Pranata
Jakarta, Indonesia
It was March 2020 when I embarked on a journey that would forever change my perspective on cooking and community. As I carried my beloved Thermomix TM6 from Singapore to my home, little did I know that the world was on the brink of a lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Amidst the uncertainty and anxiety that engulfed us all, my Thermomix became more than just a kitchen appliance—it became a lifeline.
Navigating through that challenging lockdown season, I eventually took on the role of the first Thermomix advisor in Indonesia, opening up a new horizon for me. It wasn't just about enriching my own life; the Thermomix business also became a vital source of connection and support for others in the community. Sharing my passion for Thermomix and guiding others on their culinary journeys, I discovered a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment, especially in bringing people together post-pandemic. As I served others in my role as advisor and team manager, Thermomix transcended its status as a mere kitchen appliance—it became a milestone of hope, providing both physical nourishment and emotional comfort to those around me.
Meike Ramli
Jakarta, Indonesia
Happy Thermomix Users
Experience the Joy of Effortless Cooking
Rave Thermomix® Reviews from Media
Around the World
“Thermomix® was even more popular than Apple’s iPad tablet in 2013, outselling it by a substantial margin. Nearly 10 percent of Portuguese households have one.”
Wall Street Journal
“The magic cooker that can turn anyone into a masterchef: It weighs, stirs, heats – and even knows the recipes.”
Daily Mail UK
“Dream machine: The Thermomix® weighs, chops, cooks – and even washes itself up.”
The Independent UK
“A multifunctional digital food blender so good it’s used in top restaurants“
The Financial Times
“The magic cooker that can turn anyone into a masterchef: It weighs, stirs, heats – and even knows the recipes.”
Daily Mail UK
“Dream machine: The Thermomix® weighs, chops, cooks – and even washes itself up.”
The Independent UK
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